Mixology, My New Game

It’s been a while since I have written and for that I have very little valid excuses. I am going to take a break with this entry from the UX musings I usually enter here and change pace a little as I write about my newest hobby or game, homemade mixology. Yesterday, I started the infusion of three custom liquors: cucumber infused gin, basil infused gin, and jalapeno infused tequila. Shaking every few hours, the alcohol has already turned a rich color in only the last 24 hours. And this leads me to think about what can I do with these new flavors?

Why Mixology

I love cooking. As long as I remember I have been comfortable in the kitchen and ever since I moved out of campus dormitories I have cooked for myself. I’m not always saying it was glorious cooking, sometimes as simple as adding chicken to a can of soup with some lemon juice or beer for extra flavor, but I have always enjoyed cooking for myself. Over the last three years I have become more experimental with my food – finding ingredients I have never used before and mixing flavors on a whim because I was bored and wanted to try something new. At the same time my interest in beer has continued to grow and I started drinking scotch at a more frequent level. My desire to pair good food and drink increased.

Initially I wanted to start homebrewing beer. When I still lived in Pittsburgh this was a perfect idea, I had a kitchen larger than my bedroom and space and time were of little issue. Then I moved to Philadelphia and found myself in a smaller apartment with a much busier schedule. A year and a half later I still havent gotten past the desire to homebrew. But I can still pair food and drink.

Thus enter mixology. I enjoy a good drink and good food. Why does my creativity have to end with not homebrewing? So now, I am looking at what I can do with my new alcoholic concoctions. A few quick searches on the web, and thinking about the flavors I like, I have come with the following recipes. Stay tuned for future posts on how they came out and lessons learned.

Potential Recipes

  • Cucumber Gin and Tonic
  • Basil Gin and Tonic with a twist
  • Cucumber Gin with Mottled Cantaloupe (and Strawberry?)
  • Jalapeno Tequila with Blood Orange Juice

While this list is likely to grow and change, some other items I want to try making and exploring: homemade candied ginger, mixed berry infusions, vodka infusions, and whatever else comes to mind. I will be sure to keep this space updated on my successes and likely failures as I enter this new series of experimentation.

1 Response to “Mixology, My New Game”

  1. 1 Rebecca Lustig July 17, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    And I get to be the guinea pig!

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